This Meal by Design

Masterclass to feel energized and shift into fat-burning mode

You will receive immediate access to the training with actionable steps to reset your metabolism.


It's not aging, it's your hormones

  • Imbalanced hormones = sluggish metabolism
  • Sluggish metabolism = brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, cravings, sleep disturbance
  • Learn the first steps to increased energy + sustainable weight loss without counting calories
  • Turn on your fat-burning hormones
  • Work with your circadian rhythm to handle stressors with ease
Get the Masterclass + Free Guide
10 Tips to Reset Your metabolism spiral bound guide
Photo of Kristi

Hey there! I'm Kristi

As a Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach, and Physical Therapist, I help busy women get "unstuck", fix their metabolism, and implement routines to reach their health goals. The tools and specific strategies provided help to repair a damaged metabolism, increase energy levels, and shift into fat-burning mode.

In Metabolic Health Reboot, we work together to balance your hormones, revive your metabolism and reclaim energy, mental clarity, and stabilized mood.

This Meal by Design
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